The Memory Lane


Post 116

testing, this colour is so nice.

This week of school is a little bit more exciting than usual.
Cause we have guests from other schools and Its racial harmony.
Yay, racial harmony.

I don't like a single bit of it.
I'm a very bad person.

Oh, we have have 2 guests, one is Steven,though we already have one in our class.
The other one is Aderic.

Skip this part.

This week's guitar leeson is dull and boring.
Mr Adrian never come.
Dawn is feeling sad over the replacement of her guitar.
Don't be sad Dawn, cheer up!!
Kai Xuan never come for guitar, ther's also alot of absenties.
My aunt Ming came back from China two days ago,
Met my cousins.
Was pissed off yesterday at the sight of the **********
I'm feeling so unhappy about the fact that my parents are always unhappy when talking about my two grandparents.
They are always upset about this point,
and they'll become really angry.
Everyone becomes gloomy.

Life is Unfair.
It was never fair, no matter how it seems. :(

Back to the topic about the return of my aunt Ming,
She bought lots of gifts.
But there's this gift that was really cute!
Story cards,
there's like 100s of them.
But I scanned some and put them here.

It's right on the top of my post.

I saw Tricia and some Anderson friends a few days agao, I was like,
my brain was like so dumb,
I took such along time to remember who they were.
Then, I had a chat with Jasper a few days back.
Ha, it was funny.
I went to facebook just now, I saw Nicholas update his photos, He's grown so much taller.

While on the other hand, I became shorter than him.


And now,
Proudly presents 2 Diligence's Racial harmony Banner:



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