Damn sianz....I got my Common test results...Some really bad.. EXampLE? Chinese lor. I scored so bad.. The rest are Okay okay but not really for Math.I am going put in more effort for math and chinese. Otherwise,i can't make up for the lost points... Mrs Lim ask us to do Comic Strip.Like comic book,must draw and colour it.Everything must be related to Science: Biology! Cannot don't do because can score alot of marks.Not sure if it is out of 10 or 20 marks..But...I CANNOT afford to lose this precious marks. Dui wo hen zhong yao.Got it? This friday,we having sport's day,must wear Skorts but i never buy.Must wear on friday.Sianz -.- I'm so damn looking forward for Saturday cos i going to meet my Aps Classmates!!! So enthu. hahas We celebrating hui Shan's birthday too! Looking very FORWARD to IT..Yipee n_n Labels: HIHI 0 comment[s] | back to top |